Some Basic Information about Drug Addiction Treatment Programs
There are several drug and alcohol addiction treatments that are developed for the past years. These various treatments have their own methods and have different underlying principles to be effective. The objectives are different and are targeted to people with varying degree or level of addiction and with different expectations of the programs. In the United States, these addiction programs are progressive in nature, meaning, addicts can start with the mild form of treatment and if the program does not work for them, then they go to the higher form of treatments. This method is not generally practiced in other parts of the world because of the difference in addiction and perception of the problem, and thus other countries follow a different program or treatment approach.
In this case, we will discuss briefly the various programs for addiction treatment that are being used in the United States.
First type of treatment is so-called outpatient treatment program, which is considered as the mildest form of addiction treatment program in the country. This method does not put much emphasis on detox treatment, although in some instances, outpatient detox is given. This outpatient treatment could for around nine hours per week by spreading it to three or four sessions. This is the kind of treatment program designed for people who are in their mild to moderate stages of addiction, and who are considered as fit both physical and mental to undertake the program. There is also a detox treatment that can be taken by the drug addict as an aftercare method.
The next type of Addiction advocates treatment is the day treatment program which is considered as the most popular treatment in several states. This is treatment option that is for addicts at the level of moderate degree of addiction, and at the same time not isolating the patient from his or her family. The person concern will have to attend the program in a treatment center for three to four hours a day and he or she is free for the rest of the day. The patient can also continue his or her school, or job. Thus this program relies on outpatient detox, counselling and is a daily program treatment.
The next type of program would have the patient carry out the treatment in an inpatient center, and thus called inpatient treatment program. Part of this treatment program is detox wherein the patient is made to abstain the use of the substance thus making their withdrawal effects appear. Once the withdrawal symptoms are recognized, the patient is given a series of medication that would help the person overcome the withdrawal effects. For more details about drug rehab, visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/addiction--recovery/.
Considered as the most aggressive form of treatment in most of the states is the residential treatment program, based on a complete community program where detox to aftercare counselling is administered to the patient. This is the Addiction advocates of Utah treatment program used for patients belonging to the high severe forms of addiction already.